How to Donate

All Praise is for Allah and Peace and Blessings be on the Messenger of Allah

Home 5 How to Donate

Why Donate to the Muslim Cemetery

Raise funds to expand the cemetery to provide additional burial lots on the site. Currently there are limited number of lots available. At the current rate of demand no more lots will be available by 2023

The Ottawa Muslim Cemetery has experienced an increase in funerals from the community due to an increase in population and an ageing population. The current COVID-19 environment has also placed an increased demand for burial lots from the community. Your donation can also support Muslim families in the community who are unable to pay for their funeral.

You can specify how your donation should be used

  • Expand the cemetery to provide additional burial lots on the site.
  • Support Muslim families in the community who are unable to pay for their funeral expenses.
  • Specific purposes such as improving the cemetery by funding a bench, tree, shrub, fence.
  • General support for the cemetery.

Continue to be part of this project to maintain the first Muslim cemetery in the Nation’s Capital


The Ottawa Muslim Cemetery is charitable organization and tax receipts will be issued for all donations
Charitable Registration No. 894375187RR0001

Cash, cheque, and credit cards are accepted. We also have direct deposit pre-authorized payment plans.
You may also mail your donation or call us.