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Al hamdullilah, the cemetery began operating on January 4, 2013.

Yes the cemetery was established to serve the Muslim community in Ottawa and Gatineau and in the surrounding areas.

The Ottawa Muslim Cemetery (OMC) is a religious-based cemetery registered under the Islamic faith. Its operating license, granted by the provincial government, is based on Islamic principles. As such, any purchaser or user of rights, supplies, or services offered by the Cemetery must be a Muslim who testifies to the Shahadatain (the declaration of faith: “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger”).

Yes. There is no cemetery in the area offering adult lots for less or offers the cost of a funeral for less. The cemetery is a not-for-profit organization registered as a charity. Charitable Registration No. 894375187RR0001

Yes. With a down payment of 20% of the total burial lot cost upon signing, you can pay the remaining balance by instalment over a maximum of 6 months for multiple lots purchase (4 maximum) . Payment Plan not available for single lot purchases.


The Prophet (SAW) said: An intelligent person is one who is constantly thinking about and preparing for death (Tirmidhi). It should also be noted that, based on Islamic principles, the first expenditure to be taken from the estate of a deceased person is his/her funeral expenses.

From a practical point of view, the following are good reasons why you should not wait to purchase a lot:
Pre-arranged funeral – Peace of mind for you and your family (one less stress to deal with – make it part of your estate planning) Protects your family against inflation (future increased costs) Protects against high cash outlay at time of funeral. A sound investment. Lowest cost of a burial lot (remarkable low price). Lot is transferrable if not used or needed.

Note: Currently lots are sold only at the time of death due to low availability. Once the current development of an additional section of the cemetery is completed, a limited number of lots will be for sale.

When you buy a lot, you are issued an interment rights certificate for the lot. You can at any time transfer the lot back to the cemetery and you will be reimbursed the cost or you can transfer to a member of your family or someone else designated by you, or you can direct the Ottawa Muslim Cemetery to bury someone else identified by you using your lot. In any case your investment is secure.

No. We only bury one deceased per grave.  Our burial lots as per our by-laws and licence can only be used for one deceased.  Furthermore, there is no time limit on the use of the grave.   The grave will not be reused as long as the cemetery exists.

Yes, you may be able to buy more than one lot based on availability. You will be issued an interment rights certificate for each lot purchased. You are the one who decides who will be buried in each lot.

No.  The maintenance and upkeep of the entire cemetery is the responsibility of the Ottawa Muslim Cemetery in accordance with the provincial regulations and the operating by-laws approved by the province.  This means that all landscaping activity (planting of trees, scrubs, and grass, grading, etc.) must be performed by cemetery staff.  The cemetery has a design palette based on its site plan to be applied consistently in the entire property to ensure that the cemetery is esthetically pleasing to all families and visitors, and encourages visitation.  A neat, clean and well maintained cemetery is dependent all families and visitors respecting the rules.  Maintaining the cemetery in all seasons is costly and challenging. Adverse activities on the grave sites such as removing snow, spreading stones and salt, planting shrubs and trees, inserting metallic or plastic objects such as lights, candles, pictures, containers, and rocks and stones etc. are not only a danger but also destroys the turf.  Only flat headstones are allowed and they can only be purchased from the cemetery and installed by the cemetery staff.

The Ottawa Muslim Cemetery is legally obligated to maintain the cemetery as long as it exists.  Individuals or families do not have this obligation for decades or centuries to come.

Once you have paid for your plot in full, the Interment Rights Certificate will be issued to you.

Absolutely. The objective of the cemetery is not only to provide a place of burial for Muslims but also to ensure that Islamic funeral rites are applied, specifically according to Ahl al Sunnah. The cemetery’s constitution and by-laws are such that the management of the cemetery will abide by Islamic values and traditions regarding burials. Prohibitions relating to practices contrary to Islamic principles (Quran and Sunnah) will be strictly enforced.

One of the objectives of the Ottawa Muslim Cemetery (OMC) is to provide affordable burial services for the benefit of the Muslim community. This also means that the OMC must effectively manage the cemetery on a self-sufficient basis in accordance with provincial regulations.

The OMC is federally incorporated with a constitution and by-laws. The institution is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors from the Muslim community. In addition the Cemetery is governed in accordance with the Funeral, Burial, and Cremation Services Act and the Province of Ontario has also approved a set of operating by-laws specifically for the cemetery. Every aspect of the cemetery has provincial oversight and the cemetery is obligated to abide by the regulations and its by-laws to maintain its operating licence.

In summary, the Government of Ontario regulates:
location of cemeteries, who can own & operate, who can sell burial lots, minimum standards for burials and lots, consumer protection (contracts, markers, etc.), Trust fund obligations, by-law and public information requirements, and Registry and reporting requirements.

No. This is the responsibility of the Ottawa Muslim Cemetery. When you buy a lot, the Funeral, Burial, and Cremation Services Act requires that 40% of the sale price of the lot is automatically placed in a Trust Fund called a Care and Maintenance Fund which is administered by an independent Trustee. The income from the trust fund is used for the perpetual care and maintenance of the cemetery by the Ottawa Muslim Cemetery.

The basic cost of a funeral is the cost of a burial lot, opening and closing of the grave (interment), and funeral home services (washing and preparation of the body, casket, and transportation). Other optional costs include concrete burial liners for burials without caskets and memorial grave markers (flat headstones).

The funeral home services are available from mosques: Masjid Omar, Masjid Bilal, SNMC, Masjid Salaam, and the Ottawa Muslim Association Masjid (OMA). The burial lot, the opening and closing (interment) of the grave, concrete burial liners, and memorial grave markers are available from the Ottawa Muslim Cemetery.

Although buying a lot is the best way to support the ongoing development of the cemetery, you can also donate to the Ottawa Muslim Cemetery (OMC). The OMC is a federally incorporated charitable organization (charitable registration no. 894375187RR0001) and official charitable donation receipt will be issued for any donation (Note: donation receipts are not issued for the purchase of lots).
You are also encouraged to promote the Cemetery with other members of the Muslim community, including your family members, Islamic Institutions, friends, colleagues etc.
Muslim organizations can also be proactive by pursuing arrangements with the OMC to acquire a block of burial lots for use by their members or community members.

Yes. The cemetery has an established process for communicating with funeral homes (Masaajid with washing facilities). The Ottawa Muslim Cemetery already has in place a 24-hour hotline 613-851-7444. Masjid Omar, Masjid Bilal, SNMC, Masjid Salaam, and OMA are familiar with the process or procedures for obtaining death certificates and burial permits. Description of these documents and the process is available on the OMC website

The Cemetery is located near the town of Manotick (1668 Manotick Station Rd.) in the south end of Ottawa. It is approximately 30 minutes from both the Ottawa Muslim Association masjid and Masjid Omar, and approximately 45 minutes from Masjid Bilal. It is even closer to Dar Assunnah (Rahma Masjid) and Masjid Salaam (25 minutes).

Approximately 13 acres will be developed in phases. There will be enough burial lots to last approximately 60 years after factoring in population growth, provided that pre-selling of lots are limited.


The property is oblong in shape. There is a road in the centre of the property with burial lots on each side of the center road. This will facilitate easy access to the lots on each side of the centre road without walking long distances. There is a large parking area and an area for a maintenance building and washroom across from the parking lot. There is also a turnaround in the middle of the length of the property and a gazebo with seats is in the centre of the turnaround circle.

The designers have taken into consideration the natural elements of trees and rocks to protect and provide a natural setting. A controlled gate with a sign is in place at the entrance.

You can visit this website where all of the contact information is available. You can also make a donation online and download a pricelist. On this website you will find reference material on funerals and death. You can also email: info@muslimcemetery.ca or phone: 613-851-7444 to talk to someone from the Ottawa Muslim Cemetery.