Scroll down for designs and prices
To order one of the flat marker designs on this page, please fill out the form. Once you have submitted the form, we will review the details and then call you to confirm all details within 1-2 business days. It’s important to note – the order will not be active, and no work will be started until we have personally spoken with you to ensure all details are correct and meet your approval.
Total price includes delivery, installation, and Care & Maintenance Fund contribution as required by Ontario Regulation 30/10, Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act provincial regulation.
Care & Maintenance Fund (CMF) contribution as required by Ontario Regulation 30/10, Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services
Act. There is no CMF contribution for flat markers less than 173 ins2
Cancellation: If orders are cancelled and work is not completed, the amount of the refund will be based on the amount of expenses incurred to date. If work completed, no refund
Pricelist: The Ottawa Muslim Cemetery Inc. reserves the right to change its prices from time to time with appropriate notice in accordance with the Ontario Regulation 30/10, Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act. However, prices under a signed contract is guaranteed not to increase.
E-Transfer, Cheque, Money Order, Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard).
Changes to a design may incur an additional charge
Sales tax is additional and based on county of installation (typically 6%-9%)
Applicable cemetery fees not included
Care & Maintenance Fund (CMF) not applicable for supplies and services
Care & Maintenance does not include perpetual upkeep. The Ottawa Muslim Cemetery (OMC) is not responsible for damages to memorials unless directly caused by OMC.
Bench Inscription – $5 per character, $15 per symbol
Concrete liner – Only sold at time of funeral
In accordance with OMC By-laws, all markers and other supplies shall be installed only by OMC or delegated representative
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